Other services - Alquiansa



Alquiansa dispone de unas instalaciones orientadas a la formación, lo cual favorece la impartición de cursos especializados en ellas. Prueba de ello es la amplia experiencia que tenemos al respecto, tal y como atestiguan las siguientes formaciones a las que le hemos dado cobertura:

  • Tube scaffolder course.
  • Power-operated scaffolder course.
  • Lift (individuals and materials) assembler course.
  • Warehouse operator course.
  • Work-at-height course.
  • Forklift operator course.
  • First aid course for construction workers.
  • Work-at-height course.

Si deseas más información sobre el tema en cuestión, consulta sin compromiso nuestros precios y el contenido formativo de dichos cursos.

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Alquiansa has a team of technical and prevention experts who can provide technical assistance and consultancy services for any construction, rehabilitation or multisector industry-related query.

Between our works in this field they emphasize:

  • Advice on and implementation of integrated management systems pursuant to current ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment) and OHSAS 18001 (prevention) standards.
  • Technical documentation for obtaining the Scaffold and Hoarding Permit required by Town Planning Offices.
  • Co-ordination of business activities at the work site.
  • Erection plans for scaffolding and auxiliary equipment.
  • Calculation notes on tubular scaffolds, stabilisers and formwork.
  • Installation projects approved by Professional Associations of Technical Architects.
  • Safety and health surveys and plans.
  • Technical assistance on-site and during the assembly of auxiliary equipment.
  • On-site contingency and evacuation plans
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Además de estas labores, nuestra compañía también puede prestarle un asesoramiento más personalizado en materia de seguridad y servicios jurídicos. Nos centramos a continuación en estos puntos.

Coordinación de seguridad y salud en obras de construcción

Alquiansa dispone de los medios y el personal necesarios para ofertar a sus clientes el servicio integral de la gestión de la prevención de riesgos laborales en sus obras de construcción e industria, así como la coordinación de seguridad y salud en obra.

En este sentido, nuestros técnicos en prevención de riesgos laborales pueden ejercer las funciones de coordinadores de seguridad y salud en obra, con experiencia contrastada y con aplicación de todos los requisitos exigidos por el RD 1627/97.

Nuestra actuación garantiza la reducción del número de accidentes en su obra y la mejora del índice de siniestralidad. Estos servicios consisten en:

  • Support for all work activities subject to the requirements of RD-1627/1997 on health and safety at work.
  • Safety and health surveys and plans.
  • On-site co-ordination of safety and health.
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Legal services

In 2009 we created an in-house legal department with two highly experienced lawyers who focus on the recovery of arrears and prevention of similar situations in the future.

Our in-house legal department has a considerable success in recovering debts and defaults. They focused, in particular, on cases related to construction and real estate law which affect the sectors in which we operate, as well as real estate and promotion contracts.

On the other hand, current legislation on construction and rehabilitation works, and on the industrial sector has become increasingly profuse and complex. These activities are subject to a large variety of preventive environmental laws and tax regulations that require us to take the right decisions.

Other services - Alquiansa

We provide counsel on these areas, in particular:

  • Debt collection in construction and real estate law cases through judicial and extrajudicial processes.
  • Preliminary credit evaluation studies of companies active in the construction sector.
  • Declaration of arrangement with creditors and administration of bankruptcy receivership.
  • Management of defaults derived from voluntary bankruptcy or meeting of creditors.
  • Mediation for debt recovery and resolution of other conflicts.
  • Advice on all types of contracts related to construction and real estate law.
  • Legal opinions on all types of preventive concepts applicable to construction works and the industrial sector (need for EC marking/type-approvals and certifications, need for preventive resources at work site, need to open work centres, etc.).
  • Legal counsel on labour inspections at industrial and/or work sites.
  • Judicial expert’s opinions.

En caso de estar interesado en alguno de estos servicios, no dude en contactar con nosotros y le ofertaremos la mejor relación calidad / precio para su necesidad.

