Sales of auxiliary equipment for construction and industrial sector - Alquiansa

Sales of auxiliary equipment for construction and industrial sector

The entire range of products and materials listed on ALQUIANSA’s website are available for both rental repayment and sale, but never for outright rental. The material on sale may be new or second-hand, depending on stock availability and type of material. We have a wide range of products and scaffolds for sale at deep discounts.

Do not hesitate to contact us for a sales quote, if you decide that purchasing works better for you than rental. We will immediately send you a price quote and estimate.

Sales of auxiliary equipment for construction and industrial sector - AlquiansaSales of auxiliary equipment for construction and industrial sector - AlquiansaSales of auxiliary equipment for construction and industrial sector - AlquiansaSales of auxiliary equipment for construction and industrial sector - AlquiansaSales of auxiliary equipment for construction and industrial sector - AlquiansaSales of auxiliary equipment for construction and industrial sector - Alquiansa

Medios auxiliares para la construcción y la industria multisectorial

Por otro lado, Alquiansa también es especialistas en el alquiler de todo tipo de andamios. Gestionamos el alquiler y el montaje de otros medios auxiliares para la construcción y la industria.

Entre ellos podemos destacar:

  • Bajantes de escombros
  • Casetas de obras
  • Barandillas de protección
  • Vallas perimetrales y de pie de hormigón
  • Plataformas de desembarco para obra
  • Redes anticaídas

No dude en consultar nuestros precios y servicios respecto a estos productos.

